Adults 60 and above not to start daily aspirin for prevention of heart disease, stroke: US task force


eMediNexus    13 October 2021

The US Preventive Services Task Force is looking at introducing changes to its guidance on taking aspirin daily to prevent heart disease and stroke.

The task force posted a draft statement which recommends that adults, 40 to 59 years of age, having a higher risk for cardiovascular disease, but no history of the disease, talk to their clinician about whether to start taking aspirin, on the basis of their individual circumstances.

The draft also states that adults 60 years of age and above should not start aspirin therapy for the prevention of heart disease and stroke, as updated evidence indicates that potential harms negate the benefits. However, the task force recommendation does not apply to people who are already on aspirin for a previous heart attack or stroke. These people must continue taking it unless advised otherwise by their clinician… (CNN, October 12, 2021)

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